

渔夫很幸运地化简了这个等腰的作法, 为任意三角形开了一个好头。看看接下来的运气如何了。











a tangent circle in a triangle with one side and the angle(improved)

a very simple solution for this problem.

construction a triangle with bisectors and one side(case1)

construction a triangle with bisectors seems very difficult. Even for Isosceles triangle. This is case I which can be constructed but with the limitation of the bisectors.


construction of a triangle with two side s and inscribe circle

 I have a case which is to construction a triangle with two sides and a inscribe circle.

the case make me confused as it seems a mission impossible. I have plot the graphic of the radius and inner center. but it seems I can only know there is the limitation of the radius and possible two solutions for the construction.
 I had try the simple case which is isosceles triangle but I am also failed for general case. And I got a very interesting and surprising fact is that for the biggest inscribe circle, there is gold ratio point. the angle and tangent point and inner center are all at golden ratio points.

The last picture is the process to construction this triangle with biggest inscribe circle. another interesting fact is also showed in the picture.

I suspect that there is no general compass and straight method to construction for this case.     


sankagu circle 2a

it is the improved version for Sankagu circles. It is better to match the case 1.(more straightforward)



Sankagu Circle Geo meaning (3 circles)

I am very happy to find a geo method to show the sankagu circle construction .It is nearly perfect!

a tangent circle in a triangle with one side and the angle

this ths part II work of 3 in-circles of a triangle . it seems the problem is tough.

constriction of 2 in-circles in a angel

this is part I work on the question of 3 incircles in a triangle.

sankagu circles 1

this is the simple construction method to construct a sankagu circle which asked by a student.